Beyeonics Surgical Cockpit
A fully digital platform with streamlined workflows designed for spine and neurosurgery

What is a

The Beyeonics Maverick digital exoscope is a comprehensive surgical platform and datahub designed to augment and enhance a surgeon’s viewing and operational capabilities in the OR. The system consists of the highest powered exoscope with the largest working distance on the market (3 feet), attached to a 6 degree of freedom robotic arm for intuitive movement and effortless placement. The system is connected to an aviation-caliber supercomputer to allow for real time zero-latency data streaming, enabling AI predictive* analytics during procedures. Procedural and exoscope imaging are viewed through the lightest available 4K 3D wireless augmented reality headset*, whose transparent lenses allows full spatial awareness of the OR. Using the headset, the surgeon sterilely controls the exoscope and all aspects of the procedure via hands free voice commands* and head gestures.

*WIP – Work In Progress and not for clinical use

Creating the most advanced​ Intelligent Surgical Ecosystem​

Unconstrained and enhanced visualization

Precise and Minimally Invasive Surgery: The platform provides surgeons with precise imaging of the spine and brain, enabling them to perform minimally invasive procedures with minimal disruption to surrounding tissues. This fosters a clear understanding of the patient's anatomy, boosting the surgeon's confidence during the operation.

Freedom of movement

Streamlined Workflow and Surgeon Support: Beyeonics Maverick streamlines the workflow within the operating room by consolidating all necessary data into a single view accessible to and controlled by the surgeon. This design reduces the mental and physical burden on the surgeon, promoting efficiency throughout the entire surgical process. Additionally, the ergonomic and wireless design allows surgeons to maintain their mobility without sacrificing their view of the surgical field or compromising eye-hand coordination.

Streamlined, surgeon-controlled workflow

Immersive Educational Experience: Beyond surgical applications, Beyeonics Maverick serves as a vital educational tool. The system provides an immersive educational experience by sharing the surgical view with all attendees . Through interactive guidance facilitated by 3D augmented reality tools and detailed views of patient anatomy, trainees can enhance their learning and skill development in a realistic environment.


The use of a lightweight, adjustable 3D, AR Surgical headset display and control unit overcomes microscopy and monitor constraints. Head gestures are used to seamlessly control frequent functions such as focus, zoom, are also used to toggle through various overlays.

The Beyeonics Maverick Workstation

Real-time video processing ,data management and connectivity.

User Interface

A 24” rotating touchscreen with controls provide clear image display of the surgeon’s view to the OR team, enabling full engagement of the staff. The image may also be streamed to an external monitor.


The robotic arm allows easy maneuvering, smooth adjustment, and robust locking of position. The extended arm reach allows the system to be setup away from the surgical field, optimizing OR flow.


The rotatable camera head is comprised of two >8K resolution, low noise cameras producing sharp and clear images, and a LED-based illumination system.

Unparalleled Augmented Reality technology
Advanced 3D visualization and navigation, with seamless overlays of information
Empowering the surgeon with advanced AI tools*, automation and headset-based display and control

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